Step into Spring in Style.

Yes its spring, although it seems like we are paused while in quarantine, this will be the second spring in lockdown, however, this one brings hope as, soon in the UK lockdown restrictions will ease, shops and restaurants will open and we will be free to step out and be social again. I, along with many others will need to brush up on my social skills and small talk…but with easing of restrictions comes the opportunity to finally dress up and go out rather than staying in my tracksuit and zooming people.

And in order to step (quite literally) into Spring in style, i will be needing some great footwear. I have to admit, i’m not that into shoes, i tend to just wear trainers and have my loyal pairs that i stick t0. Adidas tend to be my brand of choice for about 80% of my trainers and then i have some nike ones and a new addition of a pair of black Yeezy’s. Of course i have some heels for special occasions and flats and boots for when i need to be more formal at work but i definitely live in trainers.

But, i think its time for a change and a time to try something a little out of my comfort zone…square toed shoes. This trend first caught my attention when everyone was posting Bottega Veneta heels on Instagram and hauling on YouTube, i absolutely despised the shoes and thought they were absolutely horrific. I didn’t understand how people were finding them attractive, i am someone who always goes for the round or pointed shoe and a square wasn’t going to do it for me. I definitely thought this was a fad that was going to disappear, of course this has been around for more years than I or anyone reading this has been on this earth for. A square toed shoe was actually first seen in 300bc in Japanese geta and zōri, although its hard to date back to the exact era, they have definitely been around for centuries. They also became quite famous in the 90’s with appearances in Sex and the City and Friends, which caught alot of attraction as these shows were big hits and still are which may have re-inspired designers to give this trendy style of shoe another go.

Recently, i have been thinking of purchasing my first square toed shoe, i have to say the options are quite endless, i’m not saying i’ll purchase a pair of Bottega Veneta, but i may pop into a Zara or surf on Asos to get a somewhat similar shoe in a funky colour to wear as a statement this Spring/Summer. It definitely is a statement, and a piece that will dress up any outfit. Also, a few of them are quite subtle, if you don’t want to go for a bright blue, you can always start with a black sandal that pairs well with every outfit.

Lets try something different and step into this Spring in style!


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